What is Snow Mold and How Does it Affect Your Lawn?

After what seems like one of the longest winters in many years, the snow is finally melting and some homeowners are beginning to notice circular matted patches of grass with a cobweb-like covering of white, grey, or pink.  These are signs of snow mold, which is a common turfgrass fungus that occurs in cooler-temperature regions. 

Snow mold is most pronounced when there is a heavy snowfall before the ground is fully frozen followed by a thick layer of snow cover that lasts through to late winter.  Conditions that favour snow mold are areas where snow has piled up, lawns that were covered in leave and other debris, and lawns that were left long in the fall. Snow mold is harmful to grass and can continue to thrive and spread in cool or wet conditions. 

What is Snow Mold and How Does it Affect Your Lawn | Fiddlers Green Landscaping

Fortunately, it is simple to minimize unsightly snow mold damage. The first step is to break up the snow to help it melt quickly rather than holding in the moisture during the peak fungal growth period. Secondly, rake up the matted down grass to promote air circulation. Lastly, you can lightly rake the affected area to remove the fungal cobweb-like material. 

Due to the sudden onset of winter in November 2022, and many trees were still dropping leaves due to the late fall, this spring is shaping up to be very favorable for snow mold. While snow mold is typically not serious to humans or pets, it can cause irritation and discomfort for both dogs and owners, especially ones with allergies or sensitive skin.

If you're worried about snow mold on your lawn, don't hesitate to reach out to Fiddler's Green Landscaping for assistance. Our team is here to help with early hand raking of potentially affected areas or breaking up and moving snow piles to prevent snow mold from taking hold. Contact us today to schedule your snow mold prevention service and ensure your lawn stays healthy and vibrant all season long.

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